Plan 0%
Apply and get approved online
Pure online hassle-free applying process. No visit, no need to provide payslips or bank statements. Get approved and start getting care anytime!
Enjoy 0% interest
Split your care price into 3-4 monthly payments and enjoy 0% interest.
Smart plan
Apply and get approved online
Pure online hassle-free applying process. No visit, no need to provide payslips or bank statements. Get approved and start getting care anytime!
Pay how you like
Get care you need now and pay later conveniently via 6x or 12x monthly installments plans with 1%/mo overpayment
Smart plan XL
Apply and get approved online
Pure online hassle-free applying process. No visit, no need to provide payslips or bank statements. Get approved and start getting care anytime!
Pay how you like
Get care you need now and pay later conveniently via 18x or 24x monthly installments plans with 1.25%/mo overpayment